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The Leading SFR Fund Partner


TripleAlpha is a team of real estate professionals who turn undervalued or abandoned homes into SFR investment opportunities. 
Our process is simple:

  • Purchase old homes that meet our criteria

  • Plan and design the renovation project

  • Complete the renovation with a team of local professionals

  • Transfer turnkey property to hedge fund partner

Since its inception in 2020, our team has completed 150+ projects in our focus markets and sold those homes to our hedge fund partners. The Triple Alpha process WORKS.

Who We Are

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Our Projects

Our main focus at Triple Alpha is finding real estate opportunities that we can fix up and turn into rent-ready investment options for our clients. All of our projects follow local and federal construction and housing standards.



We go where our hedge fund partners want to invest. The first 100 projects Triple Alpha completed were in the Pennsylvania market. Today, we operate in seven states and are currently expanding into new markets throughout the U.S.

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News & Updates

Interested in learning more? Contact us today!

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